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Bright Black Night (Vinyl)

SKU: 440859
PLU: 784300479307
  • Format: LP
  • Release Date: 9 Aug 24
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Bright Black Night (Vinyl)Bright Black Night (Vinyl)Bright Black Night (Vinyl)Bright Black Night (Vinyl)Bright Black Night (Vinyl)
Bright Black Night (Vinyl)


Wellington’s Mystery Waitress has announced the upcoming release of  their second album, 'Bright Black Night,' a guitar rich but deceptively light offering, which possesses the perfect touch of weight and darkness — precisely when it's most needed. The new album comes four years after the band’s debut, ‘Nest’, and will be out on August 2nd, and available digitally and on gatefold vinyl LP via Flying Nun Records and all good record stores.

‘Bright Black Night’ — the sophomore album — is a natural progression and descent into dirtier riffs, new instrumentation and a more refined sound. The album moves through a whole range of moods and imagery, from heavy to sway-worthy, but never strays from being supple, tasteful and divine. Expect soaring, gritty guitars and ethereal vocals atop of steadfast grooves.

As it stands in 2024, Mystery Waitress consists of songwriter and guitarist Tessa Dillon, Olivia Campion on drums, Xanthe Rook on bass guitar, and James Morgan on synths and guitar. Together, they craft a dynamic sound that transitions seamlessly from melancholic to fervent, and from gentle to abrasive alternative rock. Within their upcoming album, Bright Black Night, a distinctive and captivating middle ground is discovered, blending the gentle, exquisite songcraft of Tessa with the amplified vitality of the band.

Flying Nun Records
Track Listing

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